Thanks for always bringing me along to the most amazing wedding stories Jason 🙂
Jake Ford - Wow, there is so much greatness in this whole post. I love the contrast in all of your photos – BEAUTIFUL. The reception detail is awesome, especially with all the gold. And what a great looking couple! Great stuff Tiffani!
Annamae Bafia - Tiff! These are so beautiful! Also, I was trying to figure out who the groom looks like…Jake Gyllenhaal! Do you see it?
admin - Yes! He does!!! 🙂
Sharon K Miller Gibson - Agree Jake, photos were awesome. Bride was/is beautiful and one of the prettiest wedding dresses I've seen. Of course the bride had the figure for it too. Simply beautiful couple and setting.
Shipra Solanky Panosian - This couple is the epitome of elegant sophistication. Your portraits of the bride are incredible.